Tưởng Niệm 40 năm Quốc Hận (English version)

To mourn and remember the 40th year of the Fall of Vietnam,
The Vietnamese Nationalist Party requests your participation in the
“Month of Remembrance of The Republic of Vietnam” 

Our aspirations:

– To express our gratitude, thankfulness, and loyalty to the former Republic of Vietnam; from which its citizens were born, nurtured, protected, shaped; and whose achievements have been brought all over the world.
– To express our enduring respect and gratitude towards the Armed Forces of the Republic of Vietnam and the Allied Forces who fought for our freedom.
– To memorialize our fellow Vietnamese who have lost their lives on the way to freedom.
– To promote the ethics of patriotism without communism.
– To remind and educate our youth and future generations about our forefathers’ sacrifices for freedom, democracy, and independence from slavery, oppression, and communism.
To remind and educate the younger generations about the Vietnam War, and the dire situations in Vietnam.
– To never forget the fact that Vietnamese and Chinese communists are our heinous enemies. 

Please use the attached logos for pins, T-shirts; exhibitions at work; on the windshields; and to distribute and forward to your friends and families.

Sáng Lập Đảng

Nguyễn Thái Học người Sáng Lập Việt Nam Quốc Dân Đảng

Tìm Bài Theo Tháng

Tự Điển Hỏi Ngã Tiếng Việt